Thursday, August 26, 2021
11:00 am to 12:00 pm CDT
USTOA Members were invited to attend, via Zoom webinar, the USTOA Town Hall Meeting, live from Chicago. USTOA Board of Directors and Active Members participated in a discussion on Sustainable Travel.
Login below to listen to the recording from the meeting.
Sustainable Travel: What are the realities of sustainable tourism and practical steps forward for the tour operator; and what can we do as an association to fortify our leadership position and fulfill our ethical responsiblity to our mission: "Integrity in Tourism".
Moderator: Cathleen Johnson, formally of Edelman Travel After 30 years at Edelman, Cathleen opened her own consultancy focusing solely in the travel and tourism industry. She has taught graduate level Tourism Public Relations at American University in Paris and De Paul University in Chicago. She served as a Trustee for the board of the SYTA Youth Foundation and has served on the boards of NTA and Tourism Cares.
Participants: Keith Sproule, Executive Director, Abercrombie & Kent Philanthropy
Greg Takehara, CEO, Tourism Cares
If you have any questions, please contact Luis Maravi, Director of Membership and Programming at[email protected].
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