Morning Digital Marketing Sessions
Designed for front line marketing staff who execute day-to-day initiatives as well as help craft strategy, these back-to-back sessions provide best practices and measurement metrics, as well as how to determine ROI for the backbone of many campaigns: email marketing. But, even the sharpest emails in the world can fall flat if the rest of your marketing “ecosystem” isn’t up to snuff. Learn how to spot and fix trouble before it happens. Manager-level marketing executives will find these sessions as valuable refreshers. Presented by Ross Evans, Vice President, Redpoint
Effective Email Marketing
Auditing Your Digital Marketing Ecosystem
These sessions are designed for senior managers/executives, from director to chief marketing officer, who are responsible for high level goal and strategy development, and marketing budget. With content at the 30,000-feet level, each of these sessions address how to prioritize resources and provide guidance to make the choices that are right for your company. Presented by Chris Miranda, Principal, Redpoint
How to Spend Your Marketing Budget Wisely
Social Influencers: Holy Grail or Fool’s Gold?
Afternoon Sessions
How Sound Impacts the Way We Think, Feel and Buy with Kristen Lueck, Head of Strategy and Partnerships, Man Made Music
Future of Branded Video Content with Butter Works Chief Executive Office, Paul Greeenberg and Chief Creative Consultant, Vince Peone
Long Haul Travel in a Digital World, USTOA Group Travel Research presented by Julie Averay-Cuesta, Senior Vice President Destination Services, Myriad an MMGY Global Company
Tying It All Together: Now What? with Chris Miranda
Cocktail Reception
For more details, please login below.
Please contact Luis Maravi at [email protected] or call him at 212-599-6599 ext 27 should you have any questions.