DFD - The Destination for Destinations Virtual Forum

Photo Credit: Polish Tourism Organization

Tuesday, October 27, 2020
12:00pm to 2:30pm EDT

Since 2016, the DFD - The Destination for Destinations Forum has kicked off the USTOA Annual Conference & Marketplace. This year, as it transitions to a virtual forum, all Active and Associate Members are invited to attend. Better yet, registration is complimentary.

The DFD Forum is designed by DMOs for DMOs to provide a platform to discuss relevant industry topics as well as to exchange ideas and best practices with your colleagues. 

There are two goals for this year's forum. The first is to elevate the knowledge of destinations on the US/North American market. The second is to better prepare our Associate Members for their company's live one-on-one Marketplace Appointments during the USTOA Virtual Annual Conference & Marketplace. 

The program will be as follows:

12:00pm - Greeting & Welcome by Terry Dale, USTOA President & CEO

12:05pm - Understanding the Changing Distribution Channels - From global perspective to the USA market, this presentation will examine the changing B2B as well as B2C distribution effectiveness, sales roles and consumer actions. Research will be based on TravelConsul and MMGY Global Research.
Presented by Al Merschen, Partner, MMGY Global

12:50pm - The impact of COVID on Tourism Management - The evolving role of Tour Operators and Destinations in recovery tourism for 2021 and beyond.
Presented by Greg Klassen, Principal, Twenty31 Consulting and Damian Cook, Co-Founder of E-Tourism Frontiers

1:35pm - Ask the Tour Operator - A panel discussion with USTOA Active Members will be an interactive session which will include information on what the tour operators need from destinations as well as a Q&A from the audience. 
Moderator: Pam Hoffee, Globus family of brands
Nish Patel, Mayflower Cruises & Tours
Moira Smith, Goway Travel
Jon Grutzner - Insight Vacations/Luxury Gold
Laudie Hanou - SITA World Tours

2:30pm - Wrap Up Remarks
Terry Dale, President & CEO, USTOA
Malia Asfour, Director, Jordan Tourism Board North America
Ricarda Lindner, Director, German National Tourist Office
Al Merschen, Partern, MMGY Global

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Video Message from Smithsonian Media

Please contact Peggy Murphy at [email protected] with any questions.


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