Welcome to the tenthUSTOA Congressional Caucus. This event will be held June 14 & 15 in Washington, DC. Now more than ever, it is important for our Members to get together and meet with elected officials on Capitol Hill to talk about USTOA's core issues.
The top issues we will focus on are: ** Inbound Covid Testing for reentry into US ** Industry agnostic direct COVID relief (the Senate measure targets a select few industries - not travel & tourism) ** National Parks - applaud the Great American Outdoors Act, and highlight the need for continued dialogue on commercial use authorizations ** Urge passage of the Tour Bus, which among other things, creates an assistant secretary of travel at the Department of Commerce ** Workforce issues - H2B visas, visa waiver program ** And a couple of other areas - travel infrastructure (TSA pre-check & Global entry), Cuba travel, aviation consumer protection, and REAL ID
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